New Situation Update on how the war in Ukraine has affected civilian perspectives on firearm possession
The previous intensive phase of the Russo-Ukrainian conflict (2014–15) triggered a short-lived but discernible upswing in violent criminal incidents in Ukraine. This causes concern for a potential greater future increase resulting from the current full-scale war. New analysis shows that Ukrainians are already experiencing increased crime levels—and are arming themselves for security.
From Conflict to Consequence: Nearly Half of Ukrainian Men Would Like to Own a Firearm, Or Already Have One—a new Situation Update from the Small Arms Survey’s Ukraine project—marks the beginning of the Survey’s Situation Update series on arms proliferation in Ukraine, and gauge the perceptions of the Ukrainian population regarding firearms.
For more, check out:
- Russia's War: Weighing the Human Cost in Ukraine—a blog post on the gendered effects of the invasion on civilians, whether it has influenced the availability of firearms, and its impact on pre-existing security concerns, such as violent crime.
- The Supporting Ukraine In Addressing The Risks Of Small Arms And Light Weapons Proliferation From The Russian War Of Aggression project page
- Ukraine outputs in our Resource Library
Other news from the Survey:
- New INSIGHT papers on illicit firearms ammunition and other explosive munitions, and privately made firearms (PMFs) in the European Union
- New update to the Global Violent Deaths (GVD) database
- New Regional Committee established to advise the project: ‘Pathway to Policy: Integrating Security and Public Health Responses to Firearms Trafficking and Violence in the Caribbean’
- New report on improvised explosive devices in West Africa
- New HSBA Briefing Paper on how Governor Rin Tueny Mabor has pacified opposition in Lakes state